Object and Type
Object : FCGeneric
Type : Method
Public Sub Query()
This method causes the generic object to query the database (based on the DBObjectName, the Filter, the SortFields, and the DataFields you have set for this object) to retrieve records. The query retrieves 0 or more rows, and places them in the recordset for the generic object.
If you are using child objects (traversing from one generic object to another), you only have to query the parent object. FCFL will then query all of the child objects for you automatically. For example, if you wish to query the case object for one specific case, but also wish to get all related activity logs and the related contact, you would set up the case, activity_log, and contact generic objects (see example below), and would only have to query the case generic object.
If you have more than one object that you wish to query at the same time that are NOT related, put them in the same bulk, and use the FCBulk.Query method.
Note: If you perform a query on the generic object, the recordset for the records is then "Open." You may NOT perform another query on the same generic objects unless you close the recordset first. To do that, call on the following code (assume the name of the generic object is boCase):
Note: For ADO-savvy users, the recordset for the generic object is disconnected from the database as a final part of the query.
Error Codes
Value Meaning
12005 The SQL query () is not valid
12006 The object to query does not have a DBObjectName specified
12007 You attempted to query a child object using a relation that was not queried for in
the parent generic object
12016 One of the data restriction clauses for this object is not valid
12018 The generic object to be queried is open, and may not be queried. Please close
the object before you attempt the query
12021 Your query returned () rows. Maximum allowed for this query is ().
12032 You must specify data fields for distinct queries. This query is for a distinct
query, but has not defined data fields.
The following example queries a specific case, all related activity logs, and the related contact.
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
// Get all cases, activity logs, and contact.
var boCase = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
var boAct = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
boAct.TraverseFromParent(boCase, "case_act2act_entry");
var boContact = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
boContact.TraverseFromParent(boCase, "case_reporter2contact");
// Now query the data
// Display return data. First the case, then all activity logs
// then the one contact for the case
while (boCase.EOF != true)
Response.Write ("Case ID: " + boCase("id_number"));
while (boAct.EOF != true)
Response.Write(" Activity: " + boAct("objid"));
while (boContact.EOF != true)
Response.Write(" Contact: " + boContact("first_name") + " " +
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.
Dim boCase As FCGeneric
Dim boAct As FCGeneric
Dim boCont As FCGeneric
Set boCase = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boCase.SimpleQuery "case"
Set boAct = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boAct.TraverseFromParent boCase, "case_act2act_entry"
Set boCont = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boCont.TraverseFromParent boCase, "case_reporter2contact"
While boCase.EOF = False
MsgBox "Case: " & boCase("id_number")
While boAct.EOF = False
MsgBox "Activity: " & Trim$(Str$(boAct("objid")))
While boCont.EOF = False
MsgBox "Contact: " & boCont("first_name") & " " & _